9 Ιουν 2010

στο ατύχημα δεν χάθηκαν μόνο 164 ζωές αλλά και ΜΙΑ ΧΩΡΑ!!!"

Όταν μαθεύτηκε ότι κατέπεσε λίγα χιλιόμετρα από το Μινσκ το αεροπλάνο που σκότωσε τον πρόεδρο της πολωνικής δημοκρατίας Καζίνσκι στέλνοντας στον τάφο,τον ίδιο,την οικογένεια του, τον αφρό της επιχειρηματικής ζωής της Πολωνίας και την ελιτ των ενόπλων δυνάμεων της χωρας,ίσως επειδή διαβάζω σχολαστικά ιστορια και τέτοια "ατυχήματα" μετά απο χρονια αποδεικνύονται καλοστημένες δολοφονικές ενέργειες, ο νους μου πήγε σε διάφορα συνομωσιολογικά σενάρια. Έχοντας κρίση και...
.αντίληψη καταλάβαινα ότι μου λείπανε διάφορα κομμάτια του παζλ που θα μου έδιναν μια ολοκληρωμένη εικόνα αφήνοντας για λίγο τη φαντασία μου σε ύπνωση και πείθοντας τον εαυτό μου ότι όπου υπάρχει καπνός μπορεί να μην ειναι φωτιά απλά καπνογόνο! ΜΕΧΡΙ που έπεσε μια γαλλική εφημερίδα της προηγούμενης κυριακής που μου χάριζε το κομμάτι που έλειπε για να'μαι σίγουρος ότι τους έφαγαν τους ανθρώπους τα πολύ γνωστά και παγκόσμια συμφέροντα. Δεν θα προσπαθήσω να σας πείσω απλά θα σας παραθέσω τα στοιχεία του άρθρου και η κρίση δική σας...Η Πολωνία από όλες τις τέως ανατολικές χώρες ήταν η μόνη με ρυθμό ανάπτυξης 2%-όταν όλες οι άλλες,Λετονία,Βουλγαρία,Ρουμανία,Ουκρανία,Λιθουανία είναι πλέον χρεωκοπημένες χώρες,όμηροι του ΔΝΤ!Ήταν η μόνη χώρα που απέκρουε τα "φλερτ" της ευρωπαικής ένωσης για άμεση σύνδεση και μεγάλη προσφορά χρυσών ευρω.Επίσης ήταν η μόνη χώρα του τέως μπλοκ μέσω του προέδρου της που αρνιόταν τον πολύτιμο δάνειο του ΔΝΤ για περαιτέρω ανάπτυξη.Ο συγχωρεμένος Καζίνσκι αληθινός πατριώτης-σε αντίθεση με τον Τζέφρι Μινέικο Παπανδρέου- αντιστεκόταν με μένος και σθένος στις << καλές >> προθέσεις των ΕΕ και ΔΝΤ γιατί δεν ήθελε όπως είχε δηλώσει να κατεδαφίσει το σύστημα περίθαλψης,συντάξεων και μισθών του δημοσίου (κάτι σας θυμίζει;) σε αντίθεση με τον φιλοευρωπαιστή μέχρι δουλικότητας Ντόναλντ Ντάσκ, που τον διαδέχτηκε και είναι σύμφωνος με όλα τα μέτρα που προτείνουν οι << σωτήρες >> της ανθρωπότητας.Επειδή λοιπόν ο Καζίνσκι δεν θέλησε να γίνει πελάτης και να παραδώσει εν μια νυχτί τη χώρα του(καλή ώρα του δικού μας)στους ξένους κερδοσκόπους αποφάσισε να δεθεί με το άρμα της Ρωσίας και η επίσκεψη του στην Μόσχα,σκοπό ειχε,την στενότερη σύνδεση και συνεργασία με την εναλλακτική υπερδύναμη για ανάπτυξη εμπορικών σχέσεων.Αλλά για κακή τύχη της Πολωνίας και της δικής του τον σταμάτησε το ατύχημα και έτσι όλως βολικώς και περιέργως άνοιξε ο δρόμος στη αγέλη των λύκων όπως ονόμασε ο Όλι Ρεν στην συνεδρίαση του Εκοφίν τα ξένα χρηματοπιστωτικά ιδρύματα.Τα συμπεράσματα δικά σας...και ίσως έτσι να καταλάβετε και λίγο την ανθρώπινη πλευρά του πρωθυπουργού μας που προτίμησε να γραφτεί στην ιστορία ως εθνικός μειοδότης παρά ως αποθανών εν υπηρεσία σε αεροπορικό ατύχημα.

ΥΓ. Πού κολλάνε οι στρατιωτικοί θα μου πείτε, ξέχασα μια μικρή λεπτομέρεια:η πολωνική ηγεσία των ενόπλων δυνάμεων αρνιόταν κατηγορηματικά στην ανάπτυξη νατοϊκών πυραύλων στο έδαφος της με στόχευση την ρωσική επικράτεια!!Τελικά στο ατύχημα δεν χάθηκαν μόνο 164 ζωές αλλά και ΜΙΑ ΧΩΡΑ!!!"


4 σχόλια:

  1. Αντίστοιχα συμπεράσματα εξάγονται και από άλλες πηγές:


  2. Possible Real cause of Polish President Lech Kaczynski’s Plane Crash….

    1st clue: Too many VIP’s on one plane. Poland has made an astonishing transformation in the last 20 years since it was a Soviet satellite. Currently it is doing as well and occasionally better than the USA. It had to have had some fantastic leaders in order to do so. Obviously, these leaders aren’t stupid. Therefore they would never have all gotten on one plane unless in some way they were coerced. Gee, even someone like Saddam Hussein had body doubles and transportation doubles. Obama travels with body doubles and multiple Air Force Ones. It is all standard procedure in this line of work for all countries, but especially fairly rich, well-developed countries like Poland.

    2nd clue: The Polish Prez is known for his policy of lustration, ferreting out ex-Soviets and cozying with the US.

    3rd clue: The Polish Prez had put off using the Euro and devalued the Zloty against the Euro, making Poland a very economical place for foreigners to do business. So Poland was booming and the people were working and making money. The country looks wonderful...Heck, even Terry’s famous Chocolate Oranges left England for Poland! But if the Polish people are making money, then the global bankers aren’t, and they definitely won’t tolerate that situation for long…..

    4rd clue: multiple conflicting press reports. The usual development when there is a cover-up. With so many twists and turns, it becomes quite difficult for the general population to ascertain the truth. Did the pilot ignore air traffic controllers when supposedly told to divert? Was there pressure on the pilot to land from the VIP’s so as not to be late for the 70th anniversary memorial of the Katyn murders by the Soviets? Did the plane make 1, 3 or 5 attempts at landing ? Was it pilot error? Was the “aging” 20 year old Soviet-built plane at fault? (More smokes and mirrors, as aviation people know that airplanes are NOT old at age 20, but the general population is unaware of this fact.)

    5th clue: Nonsensical aviation: In fact, the plane would not have made any attempts at landing in dense fog at an airport that did not have an ILS (instrument landing system) because that would be like you trying to drive your car in the country on tiny twisting roads on a moonless night with no working headlights. You can’t do it even if you want to, because you can’t see where you are going! Same thing here. You can’t even make one attempt at landing VFR (Visual Flight Rules) under IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) conditions without an ILS at the receiving airport because with the “dense” fog that was reported you aren’t going to be able to even find the airport to land at! The plane was equipped with ILS, but obviously the airport needs to be also in order for the plane’s instruments to locate the airport when you can’t see a thing out the windshield!

  3. 6th clue: Lech Walesa, the former Prez and former head of Solidarity, is reported in a British newspaper as saying, “I’ve been on those planes. They don’t work that way. This is Katyn II.” Well, he ought to know!!

    7th clue: Donald Tusk, the Polish prime minister, who is not really Polish, but is from a small ethnic minority located in the Gdansk region, is described as turning “white” upon seeing the crash site with Vladimir Putin, the Russian Prime Minister … Well, he ought to know, too!

    8th clue: THE BIGGY: Donald Tusk signs a $20 billion dollar loan from the IMF to Poland on April 14th, 2010, a mere four days after the crash on April 10th. Poland had previously declined a loan saying they didn’t need it.

    9th clue: headline on web: “Poland says NO to IMF; IMF says NO to Polish President’s plane landing safely!” That says it all, doesn’t it?

    So what might have really happened: Poland’scourageous leaders probably got uppity and did not want to put their country in debt slavery to the global bankers (See “Confessions of an Economic Hitman” by John Perkins). Poland is looking way too good these days, and that means too much money is going to the Polish people and not enough money going to the global bankers. Well, no one gets uppity with the global bankers anymore because they run the world. Look at the USA, drowning in debt and approaching systemic collapse with a puppet president. So the global bankers hire former KGB agents to secretly put remote controls on the Polish president’s plane, which is a Soviet plane, after all, and not that difficult to do. Then the Polish leaders are coerced to get on that one plane at the last minute in some way, perhaps fake “technical” malfunction with a second and third plane at the last second, drugged going through a security checkpoint, whatever. The plane is taken up, enters Soviet airspace, the remote control is switched on and the Polish pilot finds his instruments no longer respond. Perhaps the cabin is depressurized remotely so everyone on board dies quickly of asphyxiation and no one is able to send a real SOS call. Perhaps it is not depressurized remotely, if the video of a few survivirs being shot is real...Voice simulation (which is quite sophisticated nowadays) could be done so there are a couple phone calls from the plane from the Prez to his twin brother saying all is well just prior to landing. The plane approaches near the Smolensk airport and the remote controllers based in Moscow or wherever crash the plane hard into the ground about a kilometer short of the runway to make sure all the bodies are well burned. The “dense fog” makes the story more believable to the general public, but the cat is out of the bag as it reveals the story as fabrication to the aviation community. The black box is naturally found first by the Russians and altered or replaced or whatever to show “chaos” and “pilot error.” Putin, former KGB head, is placed in charge of the crash investigation, sort of like asking the fox to police the hen house...And, well...end of story… Tusk signs Poland into debt slavery four days later. Kaczynski , having earned his place in Wawel Cathedral by his martyrdom, joins a long line of people who have tried to fight the global bankers and lost, the most famous of which is JFK, assassinated after he tried to put the USA on a silver standard rather than using the fake paper fiat currency of the Federal Reserve. And life gets worse on the planet, with the masses getting poorer and the few global elite bankers getting richer. The global elite even boast about all this misery, with Goldman Sachs trader Fabrice Tourre bragging about impoverishing “widows and orphans.” You have to wonder how these people manage to sleep at night….And how will it all turn out? Badly.....very badly, no doubt about that…. for all of us, including the banksters...

  4. εισαι πολυ ενημερωμενος φιλε μου...να σαι καλα ...δυστυχως δεν φαινεται να χαραζει...μονο σκοταδι παντου...


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